CAD PC and Software

This will be a brief overview of why the right choice in a PC is critical to your sanity in the world of 3D Modeling.

CAD PC and Software
I need a byte...

You  have a lot of options when it comes to modeling parts in CAD. This subject can be easily overcomplicated, but I am hoping to break this down in a very simple way. This will be a brief overview of why the right choice in a PC is critical to your sanity in the world of 3D Modeling. 3D models require a lot of calculating and processing of information of which is transferred to a visual representation to your screen.

CAD software can be installed on your PC or you could design online and use any computer in a cloud based system. Designing online allows data to be processed in servers dedicated to the task. Designing online usually comes with a subscription fee, but may be worth it if it suits the task. I will not be covering online design since many of the software's discussed here will have the option to do so. Make sure it makes sense for your situation.

Acquiring a quality PC that can get you going will be a key component to putting this all together.‌ There are four important subjects I would like to highlight in this section.

→  Types of CAD (Computer Aided Design)and software capabilities
→   PC (processor and video card)
→   Can it generate income
→   Finding creativity

If you have no idea what any of this is, I have created a video playlist that I am recommending. Please watch to get short and informative answers to most of the questions you may have. The video playlist will be at the bottom of the page. The playlist will give you a great starting point to begin your research and choose the best tools for you. If you are interested and still unsure where to start, contact me. I can help put you on a solid direction towards your goal. I don't make money by recommending any products nor charge money for interacting. My purpose it to explain and hopefully show people how practical and manageable at-home manufacturing can be.

Types of CAD Software

What are you building? Something mechanical, architectural, or even organic in shape? There are CAD programs dedicated to being efficient at what you are creating. If you are building a shop, you will more than likely lean your CAD experience toward the mechanical side, but adding sculpting software experience could set you apart from the rest. Personally, I am a Solidworks guy, but during my research on CAD for this post, I have a list of software I want to try.

It Is a good idea to take a look at which software has the most users. This will give you the biggest pool of people to collaborate and share files with. This will also get you the best shot on finding employment and training in the industry. Image from HUBS.COM👍

Take all these factors into account when considering your short list of software to learn. Price, requirements, capabilities, and users. Start where you can, but get to where you need to be, and that is learning the best software. Don't count out software like Fusion 360. Programs like Fusion 360 offer educational programs and subscriptions that may be better suited to your budget, PC, or opportunity and may even be free to qualified applicants. I will definitely take a closer look into what training plans can be taken advantage of in a future post.

Processor and Video Card

Luckily for us, there are processors and video cards that are specifically designed for the demands of CAD.  In fact, There are many prebuilt CAD PC's that are priced from affordable to ridiculous for your convenience. Once you have a CAD software of choice, you will need a powerful video card to crunch that data. When you start your research on video cards, you will find there are tons of graphic card videos that will be directly related to the software of your choice.

The goal here will be to find a balance suited to your needs. Between processing and rendering models you want to pick a processor and graphics card that will provide the best performance for the majority of your work. I was very happy to see how inexpensive and effective some of this hardware is. If your hardware does not keep up with your CAD software, you will get crashes and unlimited frustration due to lag and processing errors.

I have included a video of the graphics card breakdown in the playlist at the end of this page. Linus Tips has some great info on how the processor and graphics card play a role in performance as well as some great hardware recommendations.

Many jewelers will create jewelry from your models if you have a buyer. The process has become very affordable and efficient.
Can I make money Creating CAD files alone?

Lets take a look at CAD from a different angle and bring it closer to home. Anything we use to make a living becomes a tool of your trade. "A tool", lets break down what that means. This tool is an unlimited workspace to build anything with unlimited materials. ( i get chills..) Design something that would help you in your daily life. This is a great space to align your passion with your purpose. Target the opportunities you see in your places of interest, but take any opportunity you can to get your feet wet.

This was an easy one. I was sure you could make money creating models, but I wasn't sure how much opportunity was actually out there. at a glance it seems most files are marketable by the open marketplace, prototyping, reverse engineering, and rendering. One of the neatest ways I have seen is through collaboration between people with different equipment and skillsets to make products. ( you know how that makes me all warm and fuzzy inside )

There are direct marketplaces for your models on the internet as well as places that will promote your services. I would always recommend finding people with equipment that are interested in creating a product and design a product that requires that equipment. When you find a niche you wish to contribute to, find out what product the people in that niche would like to see. Design it and share it with the people of that niche. Its sounds like a great place to get started.

Who comes up with this stuff?
Finding Creativity

I want to share my basic views on creativity and include a video at the end of the playlist below that is likely much better than mine.

To fix a problem, it takes creativity and we have all fixed problems big and small. even if it was a small problem it took some level of creativity to fix. Lets walk through a creating a product.

You like to cook with a big spoon or spatula and you want it to drain fluid when you set it down. We would put the spoon in the desired position by hand and mentally place hooks on the spoon that would secure it at a resting position. visualize a base that will catch the drip and take measurements on height of hooks. have the model 3-d printed and proof the concept. Upon proofing your concept, you would reproduce your product through silicone molding for production.

Now on its face it didn't seem very creative, but it was creative enough to launch a product and add to your catalogue. Don't forget to improve your products through customer review and feedback. If companies wont listen to consumers, someone with the skill and equipment will.

A short playlist of research to get you started