Please help us launch!

Our project is our passion, but unfortunately not a primary job, yet! There are never enough hours in the day to work on launching a project like this. This Purchase would be sincerely appreciated. Exposure and mentorship would certainly help us move closer to the goals as well.
This purchase would enable this program to start filing non-profit applications, obtaining legal advice/aid, and completing all legal requirements to further establish the foundation and infrastructure of this project. Though we have collected most of the data and research, we will also need assistance with completing a comprehensive business plan to maximize performance. Thank you for visiting!
Up for sale is my 1997-2001 tiger woods Card collection. All of the favorites of those amazing years in golf are in this collection. I have several complete sets of cards included. The prize card is still in its original Tiger Woods 1996 Sports Illustrated SI for Kids #536 magazine and all cards are kept in an airtight and moisture proof box. All collection sets are in the original packaging and plastic. All collected sets are in cases. There is a very good chance that there are more sets within the loose cards. loose cards are well contained in their own box. Includes Two upper deck Tiger woods original Rookie Cards. (8.5 and one ungraded)

My big ask is $60,000. At this price, I will offer my services in in-home manufacturing. let me know your interests and I will personally help you or a person/group you choose to set it up!

Please send inquiries or offers to
Job Corps gave this ghetto kid a shot and I built a spaceship! Please let me show you how far I can take this. I can make this shot.
I sincerely thank you for considering this purchase.
Darrick Medina